Statistical Mechanics

Prowadzący: Marcel Mordarski

Kategorie: fizyka

This series of lectures will break any taboos, exposing participants to the basic concepts of statistical mechanics - the theory that is fundamental to our understanding of Physics. I mean... really fundamental. Fundamental af akhh...

The course objectives are:

  1. To study quanta hard.
  2. To prove that people do like and do need Maths - proper def. of temperature.
  3. To learn why and how to curse physicists for using partial derivatives - to get to know millions of state functions.
  4. To answer the question "Is @RealDonaldTrump a real president of the United States?" - mathematical def. of chaos on the example of Twitter.
  5. To understand the real gas formula and phase-transitions via... MAGNETISM.
  6. To investigate the diet habits of black holes and their entropies.

Nevertheless... my love for Physics behoves me to start with a bunch of well-known jokes and check whether we have the same sense of humour - therefore I do encourage you to go through the problem sheet. Let's go! Make sure to read the guidelines and remember to answer the question about language preferences!

The course is based on the syllabus of "Statistical Mechanics" by Stanford University.

My mail is given on the problem sheet. Use "WWW 2020" as a title, please.